Weather Station
Weather Station Indoor Outdoor
Indoor/Outdoor Temperature and humidity
Touch screen + Backlight
Highest and Lowest temperature/Humidity memory function
Displays temperature and humidity trends
View historic temperature and humidity data
The main unit has a magnetic back, hook back, and stand
-20 +70 Celcus
20% - 95% RH
Comfort display (Dry, Comfortable, Wet)
Refresh rate: 10 Seconds
Wireless reception range: 60 Meters
RF Frequency: 433MHZ
Requires 2AAA Batteries for the Unit & 2AAA Batteries for the Sensor
Kiwi Trader, This item is located in New Zealand and ready for immedate dispatch.
Selling since 2018
Shipping Info
Your item will be sent with NZ Post and delivery times are 1-3 Business days on average. If you order on Friday through Sunday, your order will be dispatched first thing Monday morning. Postage includes a tracking number that will be emailed to you post purchase.